Me and Phien O’Reachtigan with a Mr Jenson, an art buff, at the Tate.
We are talking about the picture and how it could be seen the other way round.
Me and Phien O’Reachtigan with a Mr Jenson, an art buff, at the Tate.
We are talking about the picture and how it could be seen the other way round.
In Work being done as part of Hannah’s upcoming exhibition.
This is me, Troutie, Amanda, Lorna and auntie Pat sharing my nano second of fame.
Looking very serious, art is a serious matter.
I’ve known Richard many years and he has always been very helpful, yes his work is very different to mine, so we are not jealous as we can both appreciate each other’s work, he built the new walls, and the gallery, and is in charge of all the bits that make it work, the way we want it to
Have known john many years an excellent photographer and a solid supporter of the arts created the BOX in bad Ganderheim and involved in many Arts projects throughout Europe. Here seen supporting the Save the Usher campaign.